Sexual gender based violence of employees in employment in the public and private sectors continues to rear its ugly head with disturbing frequency. The subordinate position of women in the social stratum and the stereotyping of males in society further exacerbate the continued domination of women by men in every walk of life. The reverse scenario notwithstanding has not been particularly outstanding although it cannot be overlooked. Despite its negative and nefarious effects sexual harassment of employees persists in Zimbabwe. The negative effects have been well articulated. This paper observes that the law on sexual gender based violence has not been fully developed and is little understood and the objective of this article is to contribute to the ongoing discourse on sexual harassment of female employees. Both the quantitative and qualitative methodologies are used to flesh out the lived realities of the people and the desktop research complements the research. It is acknowledged the world over that the law is not neutral. This paper largely found out that tragedy arises when the law fails to keep up with changing environments to accommodate victims of wrongs. The common law in Zimbabwe has not been fully developed to provide for sexual gender based violence or sexual harassment as a crime or a delict (tort). The objectification of female employees as sex objects remains a cause for concern. In conclusion it is proposed that Zimbabwe comprehensively address the phenomenon of sexual gender based violence and sexual
harassment because it is a barrier to the right to access equal rights, the right to equal dignity, the right to equal opportunities and the right to non-discrimination.